The Moral Injury Lab:

Projects and Publications

Current projects

Moral Injury and Outlaw Emotions

In progress… Dr. Munch-Jurisic’s upcoming article on the difficulty of understanding the emotional disturbances that result from moral injury.

Past projects

The Experience of War: Moral Transformation, Injury, and Repair

NEH Grant (2016-2018)

In 2016, Dr. Acampora was awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the “Dialogues on the Experience of War” initiative.

The project included a series of reading groups on moral experiences in war, staged throughout New York City and led by an expert panel of facilitators. It also included public events and a culminating conference. As part of the project, Acampora also taught an interdisciplinary honors seminar. Subsequently, she supported related activities, also funded by the NEH, at Emory University.

Here are links to some of the events from “The Experience of War: Moral Transformation, Injury, and Repair”:

Dirty Work

Dr. Munch-Jurisic’s review of Dirty Work by Eyal Press, with reflections on the concept and its intersections with moral injury. Published in the Danish Newspaper, Dagbladet Information.